JR Plumbing | Richmond, TX Plumber Services

5 Things to Consider When Installing New Toilets

Toilets are an important part of any home, but installing a new one can be a challenge. Before you start, make sure you have all the materials you need on hand.

Check the Drain Line.
If there is a problem with the drain line, you will need to call a plumber. You should also check the water level in the tank. This will help you determine whether the tank needs refilling.

Measure the Floor Space Required.
Before installing a new toilet, measure the floor space required by the new unit. It is recommended that you install a new toilet at least 6 inches away from any wall.

Plan Ahead for Water Supply.
If you plan ahead, you will avoid having to run out of water during the installation process. You should also make sure there is enough room between the toilet and the sink so that you do not need to bend down to fill up the sink.

Choose the Right Type of Flush Valve.
There are two main types of flush valves: gravity-operated and pressure-assisted. Gravity-operated toilets use the force of gravity to push waste into the sewer system. Pressure-assisted toilets use a small amount of water pressure to help move waste through the pipes.

Install the Seat.
Before installing the seat, make sure there is enough room between the toilet bowl and the wall. If not, install a spacer first. Then, place the toilet seat on top of the spacer. Next, attach the bolts to the back of the toilet tank.

As You can tell from this article installing a new toilet is not simple, save your time and weekend by calling the professionals at JR Plumbing to install your New Toilet.

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